Originally written on August 16th, 2016
"Lili, what's the VET?"
"Oh, it's, um, a place where other pets go to, um, meet this awesome person called the vet. Yeah, the vet, short for veterinarian."
"Oh and so we'r- Oh, hey there!"
"Roxy, who are you talking t- Oh."
"Exactly. But, we didn't know you were reading this conversation, but, eh. "
"Well, here's how to tell who's who."
☕️- Lili
π- Roxy
π- Better?
☕️- Better.
π- Okay, so keep telling me about this legendary person called “THE VET”.
☕️- They give you a checkup to prevent sickness, or if you’re sick, they make you all better.
π- How?
☕️- By giving you something.
π- What?
☕️- Do you want me to ruin this awesome conversation?
π- It can’t be that bad.
☕️- If you say so. Well, they give you something called a shot. Or medicine. Medicine is much better.
π- What do they look like?
☕️- Here’s medicine:
☕️- And here’s *gulps* what a shot is:
π- *gasps* Wait, what?
☕️- Roxy, you’ll understand this more when you go to the vet, okay?
π- Meh. It can’t be that bad.
☕️- Don’t say I didn’t warn you...
3 HOURS LATER (12:30 PM)
☕️- Roxy, it’s time to go to the V-E-T!
π- Yay! *sings* I‘m going with my family! I’m going with my family! Yeah!
π- It wasn’t that ba- ouch!
☕️- What is it Roxy?
π- Where they put that “needle” is now sore!
☕️- Don’t act like I didn’t warn you...
π- *Rolls eyes* Seriously?
☕️- *Says in sassy voice* Mhmm.
π- *Rolls eyes once again*
π- Well, I guess I could still chase my tail for a little bit.
4 hours later
☕️- Roxy, are you gonna stop chasing your tail?
π- Oh yeah. *stops chasing tail* I forgot about that. *sits down*
☕️-Well, I hope you liked our story readers!
π- *whispers* They’re still here?
☕️- *whispers back* Of course they are.
π- Oh.
☕️- Well,
π-Now it’s time,
☕️π- That we say goodbye.
☕️π- We hope you come back for more stories soon!
☕️-Bye for now.
Roxy and Liliana
π- *Whispers* Pssst. Liliana.
☕️- What?
π- Are they still there?
☕️- Oh I don’t know. Just stop talking.
π- Fine.
☕️- *Hugs Roxy*
π- *Licks Liliana’s Face*
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