Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Today Roxy's Going to Play With: Laser Lights?!?!

So, you might think that I'm insane after reading the title of this blog post. But, it a NOT real, dog- penetrating laser  that you see in the movies. You can breathe now? Good. Now stay relaxed, and let's get on with this blog post. 

Thanks to our good friend Robby, we had a laser light to borrow (You can buy one at PetSmart for $5 here) so I could be able to write this post right now.

Now, we all know that cats love laser lights, but do dogs act the same way?

Turns out, they do.

Roxy was all over the place.
She seemed to enjoy it.
I quote, "She seemed to enjoy it."

Turns out, dogs can go crazy by playing with laser lights because they never have the satisfaction of catching the red dot. 

Sure, it might be a workout,

Or it might be hilarious, 

But as pet owners, we have to care about our pets.

So, since that day, Roxy hasn't played with laser lights.

But,  if you just want to try it out once, click here to buy one. 

Every once in a while you can play with laser lights, but if it becomes a daily routine, your Playful Penny may turn into a Crazy Callie.

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